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The Future of CM – Achievements – 2023

We are nearing the end of 2023, so it is time to reflect on and recognize our achievements. On 10 January 2022, I started with a monthly newsletter, The Future of CM, which reached 1775subscribers at the time of writing this post, which is an increase of 380 subscribers compared to last year.  This year I also started a collaboration with Florian Böhme,Lucas HeckmannJean-Hervé Poisson & Badia Dandana resulting in two excellent articles that were very well received. Watch out for more next year!

Next to the newsletter in 2023 I also published my first book: The Essential Guide to Part Re-Identification. Currently rated at 4.6 stars on Amazon. I have received a lot of positive feedback. Thank you all. 

The most recent feedback is from Dylan Neal on Amazon (Thank you Dylan):

So what are you waiting for and get your own copy (or buy one for a friend of for underneath the Christmas tree).

The 2023 achievements in numbers

So let’s look at some statistics from LinkedIn:

*the number of times somebody clicked to view an article.

The top 3 articles

The top 3 articles from 2023 based on views:

  1. How does Configuration Management enable Agility?
  2. Circle of Competence in Configuration Management
  3. How will ChatGPT reshape Impact Analysis?

The top 3 articles from 2023 based on engagement rate ((#Likes+#Comments+#Reposts)/#followers):

  1. The Essential Guide to Part Re-Identification: Available Now!
  2. Book Launch: The Essential Guide to Part Re-Identification
  3. Help…Why is Configuration Management so Hard to Implement?

In case you missed it

In case you missed the latest edition of the Future of CM newsletter, please check it out: Help…Why is Configuration Management so Hard to Implement?

Recently I joined Helena Gutierrez and Jos Voskuil on the Share PLM Podcast – Moving Product Lifecycle Management forward.

And in the beginning of 2023 I joined Martin Haket and Joseph Anderson on the IpX True North Podcast: data integrity and the fear of change

In summary

Wow what a year. My first book, nice increase in engagement, and a great collaboration with Florian Böhme,Lucas HeckmannJean-Hervé Poisson & Badia Dandana which will be extended next year where for one of the next CM+Agile articles also Chris Seiler will join our forces. So stay tuned for more great stuff in 2024. Again this year I had the chance to engage with many of you, sometimes even via online meetings, which gave me a lot of new insights and inspiration for future materials. Last but not least, I would like to thank all my readers, commenters, subscribers, followers, and connections who helped me share the importance of Configuration Management and joined me on the journey of unraveling the future of CM. 

Please keep liking, commenting, and reposting my articles so we can elevate Configuration Management, as it is often underappreciated.

Header Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

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