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cm game

Play the Game @ 10x London

Ever wanted to play the Configuration Management Game? Do you think you have what it takes to deliver the right product on time? Or do you just want to know what it really is about?   Join me at the 10x Medical Device Conference in London, UK on 17 February 2020. Which will be the first time ever the conference is held in Europe. It is not only a fun game, it is a… Read More »Play the Game @ 10x London

16 teams and over 120 participants @ SemproConX19

16 teams and over 120 participants @SemproConX19 Tuesday 19 November Martin Haket and I (Martijn Dullaart) facilitated the CM Game at SemproConX19 in Ankara Turkey in the Bilkent hotel. It was by far the largest group ever.16 teams with more than 120 participants took part in the game. The energy was amazing and it was a lot of fun! Thanks to Semiha Yasar from Sempro for inviting us and being a great host. And thanks to Ezgi Kalaycioglu for… Read More »16 teams and over 120 participants @ SemproConX19

Play the game @ SemproConX19

Play the CM Game @ SemproConX19 Ever wanted to play the Configuration Management Game? Do you think you have what it takes to win the game?Or do you just want to know what it really is about?   Join me and Martin Haket at SemproConX19 in Ankara Turkey on 18 and 19 November 2019 in the Bilkent hotel. It will be the largest group ever doing this game at the same time. It is not… Read More »Play the game @ SemproConX19

How to acquire the required Bricks

How to acquire the required bricks I used bricklink studio to design the Truck, so the easiest way to order the right bricks is via as described below. But feel free to order the bricks elsewhere. Note I do not have any affiliation with other than that I used their design tool and ordered parts at the different sellers. Upload the file Goto Create an account and login Go to… Read More »How to acquire the required Bricks

How to print the materials

How to print the materials Printing the CM Game – Complete Set for 1 Team PDF file is best done with the following settings (see also the screenshot made in Adobe Acrobat Reader DC printer settings): • Page sizing/handling: select “Fit” (to ensure oversized pages are still properly printed) • Uncheck “Print on both sides of paper” • Orientation: Select “Auto portrait/landscape” (because both are included in the file)

How to contribute

There are several ways that you can contribute to the CM Game: Start using the CM Game Share this website on social media Translate the CM Game Extend the CM Game Report and/or Fix issues Share other CM games Start using the CM Game Download the Game from the downloads page and follow the instructions on how to facilitate the game. And share your experiences on social media. Share this website on… Read More »How to contribute

Hybrid Pickup Truck

Can you Design, Order and Build the right configuration?

Can you Design, Order and Build the right configuration? Are you ready to try the first Open Source Configuration Management Game? The CM Game is a fun and dynamic game to create awareness about configuration management and the challenges surrounding CM. The game makes use of LEGO® bricks (1) and is available for free under an Open Source license: CC BY-SA 4.0 (excluding the bricks). Why? The reason for this is… Read More »Can you Design, Order and Build the right configuration?