My book The Essential Guide to Part Re-Identification has celebrated its first anniversary. I would like to thank everyone who bought a copy and for the amazing feedback. To celebrate the first anniversary I will share chapter 4 from the book which covers the Part Re-Identification Decision tree I propose.
Don’t forget to get your own copy!
Re-identification decisions always start with understanding the impact of a change. This is not always easy. Especially because nobody knows everything, and as long as a lot of information is still stored in documents or in the heads of people, it will be impossible to get a complete picture. It is, therefore, also a risk assessment. Understanding the risk of not re-identifying the part even if you do not have all the information at your fingertips.
Form, Fit, and Function (F3) are often mentioned in relation to Part Re-Identification. However, Form, Fit, and Function (F3) or Form, Fit, Function, and Interface (F3I) alone is insufficient in determining whether you need to issue a new part number or not. See also Is Form-Fit-Function (FFF) Doomed?
To get a grip on this, many of you, myself included, have searched for a Part Re-Identification Decision tree that can be used universally. A tree that can be used during the assessment as a tool to facilitate decision-making.
I tried to design a ‘perfect’ tree, but I came to the conclusion that there is not a single Part Re-identification Decision Tree that fits every organization or even every situation. However, the questions of the tree should be seen as things to consider and sometimes require a different sequence depending on the context, e.g., certain capabilities and ways of working of the organization, the type of change you are processing, or the lifecycle state of the part.
Start at the end
What you need to look for is how you can come to the right decision in the most efficient way. If with one question, you can skip to the end in 30% of the cases, that is likely the question you want to ask first.
Sometimes it is better to start at the end. Instead of focusing on technical or engineering-oriented questions first, it might be easier to answer questions that find their origin downstream. Typically, there are two questions that you need to consider asking first. These two questions are about orders, existing instances of the part, and the need for the change to be planned toward a specific configuration baseline.
As you might have noticed, the question about Interchangeability, often erroneously referred to as Form, Fit, and Function (F3) or Form, Fit, Function, and Interface (F3I) (page 8), is not one of the questions you should consider asking first. Why not? Because it is not always a simple question to answer, it requires you to go through a set of criteria to come to an answer, which will take time. Answering a question about existing orders or instances of the part is a lot easier and faster to answer and can even potentially be automated. Hence you can save time if it turns out you can skip the rest and jump to the end.
Some great resources have greatly helped me understand re-identification rules and inspired me to create the re-identification decision tree as proposed in this chapter: Frank B. Watts, Institute for Process Excellence, John F. Kennedy Space Center, Jörg Eisenträger, Marshal Space Flight Center, PDXpert, the US Department of Defense MIL-HDBK-61B and MIL-STD-973.
Understanding ‘Why’ is more important than following a Tree
While this re-identification decision tree can support most use cases, in the end, you will be better off understanding the individual questions and when to ask which question to come to the right conclusion.
Training people to understand all questions is more important than teaching people to follow the tree. Only with understanding will people understand the ‘Why’ of each part re-identification decision. And only then will people be more inclined to make the right decision. Having said that, based on my research and experience, I do propose a sequence of questions that, in most cases, would be the best fit.
Part Re-Identification Decision Tree
This is the Part Re-Identification Decision Tree that covers most use cases. Questions 1 through 4 will be described in detail, including a sub-tree with additional questions, in the following chapters. Feel free to tailor it to your own needs:
The tree starts with the impacted part, typically the lowest level impacted part. The first thing you need to do is identify all parents and dependent parts of the impacted part. The tree ends with Q5 to check if you have processed all parent and dependent parts you identified earlier. If not, you repeat the tree till the answer to Q5 is a ‘Yes’.
Closing Thoughts
In the complex world of part re-identification, understanding the impact of a change is paramount, yet often challenging due to the vast amount of information involved. Although there is no universal Part Re-identification Decision Tree that is a fit-for-all, grasping the ‘why’ behind each question proves more crucial in making well-informed decisions. While improving our part re-identification practices, let us prioritize comprehension over rigid adherence to a tree, empowering individuals to make the right choices based on their unique contexts.
Header Photo generated by Martijn Dullaart