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Configuration Management is... Planning

Configuration Management is… Planning

#ConfigurationManagement is… #Planning! Planning is an essential part of #CM. Not only planning the implementation of changes, but also the planning of the evolution of your #ConfigurationItems. Planning provides an outlook of what is to come and supports in the alignment and #collaboration between different teams. It also allows you to be proactive in identifying #dependencies and mitigating #risks. What do you think? Join the conversation on LinkedIn.

a day in the life of a configuration and technical change mangaer

A day in the life of a Configuration and Technical Change Manager in an Agile Organization.

Co-Authors:  Florian Böhme, Lucas Heckmann, and Jean-Hervé Poisson In the fourth edition in the CM+Agile series we will take you through a day in the life of a configuration and technical change manager in an agile organization. Daily Standups: Checking the Config and Software Release Status The day started like any other at Cargile, an agile car software company. As the Configuration and Technical Change Manager, my first task was to check last night’s automated… Read More »A day in the life of a Configuration and Technical Change Manager in an Agile Organization.

Configuration Management is... Communication

Configuration Management is… Communication

#ConfigurationManagement is… #Communication! After talking about CM is… #ChangeControl, it is time to address a very important aspect of CM, which is Communication. #Changes are almost never isolated to a single function. This means that communication is key to ensure a change is successfully implemented. Not only is Communication critical to the success of Configuration Management and the implementation of changes, Configuration Management also streamlines communication & #collaboration across functions… Read More »Configuration Management is… Communication

Configuration Management is... Change Control

Configuration Management is… Change Control

#ConfigurationManagement is… #ChangeControl! #Change is the only constant. Changes are the vehicles for improvements. But without guardrails you will spin out of control. Where #Identification ensures you are able to identify and link all data artifacts, #ChangeManagement ensures you remain in control. Change control not only means you follow a process, at doing things first time right, it also means you ensure people focus on the changes that bring the… Read More »Configuration Management is… Change Control

Configuration Management is... Accountability

Configuration Management is… Accountability

#ConfigurationManagement is… #Accountability! Previous post was about #Ownership. Without ownership there is no accountability and accountability will lead to #Integrity of your configuration information. As mentioned by Ray Wozny from the Institute for Process Excellence: “I would say that accountability must exist with ownership. Accountability is not a negative word, it’s pride in our work, willingness to listen and respond when necessary.” I could not have said it any better.… Read More »Configuration Management is… Accountability

Configuration Management is... Ownership

Configuration Management is… Ownership

#ConfigurationManagement is… #Ownership! In my previous posts I focused on #Identification, Part Re-Identification, #ProductStructures, #Trust, and #Integrity of data. But you will not be able to achieve this without having proper Ownership of the data in place. Ownership is not that 10 high level managers need to sign off on a design. Ownership is about the #Creators and #Users of the data. A design or any other kind of dataset… Read More »Configuration Management is… Ownership

Configuration Management is... Trust

Configuration Management is… Trust

#ConfigurationManagement is… #Trust In my previous posts I talked about #Integrity of the configuration information is critical. Because in the end it is about the ability to trust your data. The moment the integrity of you data is compromised and bad data starts to flow in or gaps start to occur in your baselines. The value of this data starts to decrease very fast (exponentially), because you can no longer… Read More »Configuration Management is… Trust

Configuration Management is Integrity

Configuration Management is… Integrity

#ConfigurationManagement is…#Integrity In my previous post I already mentioned that having the right product structures is key to ensure integrity of the configuration information. The moment you loose integrity of your information, what is the value of that information? Garbage in is garbage out. Within #CM people drive to ensure that information integrity is not compromised. That means that Configuration Managers make the unpopular decision to do the right thing… Read More »Configuration Management is… Integrity

Configuration Management is… Product Structures

#ConfigurationManagement is…#ProductStructures. In this next episode of Configuration Management is… I want to focus on Product Structures, which is part of the Identification topic and also a very contested subject. Do you need an engineering bill of material (#BoM) and manufacturing BoM or a MRP BoM? Many discussions have taken place and will continue to take place. I urge you to connect with people like Prof. Dr. Jörg W. Fischer… Read More »Configuration Management is… Product Structures

Configuration Management is… Part Re-Identification

#ConfigurationManagement is…. Part Re-Identification. In my previous post I shared that #CM is #Identification. An important part of identification is part or item re-identification. Without rules and guidance on part re-identification you run into a lot of issues. Form, Fit, Function is not enough. I prefer to look at #traceability and #interchangeability where interchangeability includes Form, Fit, Function, and Interface. Famous examples where wrong part re-identification caused mayhem are Deepwater… Read More »Configuration Management is… Part Re-Identification